“Do root canals hurt?”, is one of the questions I hear the most from my patients 

I’m happy to reassure my patients that root canals can be surprisingly straightforward and relatively painless when done right.


If you are feeling intimidated by root canal treatment, I put together this guide to explain exactly what to expect, root canal treatment side effects, and how to prevent root canal treatment.

Key Takeaways: Side Effects of Root Canal Treatment 

The common root canal treatment side effects are typically mild and may include: 

  • Tenderness and soreness
  • Swelling
  • Discomfort
  • Sensitivity


Root Canal Treatment – What Is It?

Trauma, decay, or disease can all lead to an infected tooth. If a tooth develops an infection in the nerve, root canal treatment is the most effective way to remove the infection and prevent tooth loss.

Root canal treatment is a straightforward procedure that involves clearing away infected nerve tissue, disinfecting the area, and filling the area to save the tooth. 

Ignoring an infected tooth can lead to the infection spreading, serious complications, and losing the tooth. Root canal treatment can help a patient restore health to their damaged tooth rather than having it removed or replaced.

Learn more about Root Canal Treatment on our page here: Root Canal & Endodontic Treatment | Expert Dentists Perth.


Root Canal Treatment – Stages and How Long Does It Take 

Stages of Root Canal Treatment

Root canal treatment has a negative reputation but the procedure can be surprisingly easy and almost painless. 

Stages of root canal treatment include: 

  • Prep — The infected tooth and surrounding area will be numbed to ensure the procedure is painless and comfortable for you. 
  • Removal of Infected Tissue — The infected nerve and tissue will be removed.
  • Disinfection — The area will be thoroughly disinfected and cleaned to ensure the infection is completely cleared. 
  • Filling and Sealing — Next, the tooth will be filled and sealed. If the trauma or decay is too severe to be addressed with a filling, a crown may be required. A crown can be used to restore complete health to the tooth and protect it in the long run. 
  • Recovery — By following your dentist’s aftercare plan closely, you can expect mild root canal side effects.  Expect some degree of swelling, soreness, discomfort, and mild sensitivity. These side effects should resolve within a week of root canal treatment. 

Root canal

How Long Does It Take for Root Canal Procedure?

A root canal procedure can usually be completed in under an hour. Complex cases may require slightly longer treatment time, around 60 to 90 minutes.  



Root Canal Treatment – Side Effects and Do Root Canals Hurt?

Root Canal Treatment Side Effects

I tell my patients to expect minor side effects after root canal treatment. These side effects are usually mild, especially if you follow the root canal aftercare plan closely. 

Root canal treatment side effects may include sensitivity, swelling, soreness, and tenderness. More severe infections may have more noticeable side effects. Pain can be decreased by following aftercare instructions and taking prescribed medications as instructed by your dentist. 

To help prevent root canal treatment side effects and promote healing, I recommend following your dentist’s aftercare plan closely. 

A root canal aftercare plan will likely include the following steps as you heal: 

  • Avoiding smoking or alcohol consumption
  • Avoiding sticky, spicy, or hard foods 
  • Not eating for several hours following root canal treatment
  • Getting enough rest
  • Do not eat for at least several hours after your root canal treatment 
  • Gargling with warm salt water
  • Taking any prescribed medications according to your dentist’s instructions
  • Not chewing on any non-food objects (i.e. ice cubes)
  • Maintaining a good oral hygiene routine
  • Do not use straws to drink


Serious root canal treatment side effects are uncommon, but notify your dentist immediately if you notice: 

  • Severe pressure or pain that lasts more than a few days
  • A bite that feels uneven
  • An allergic reaction to prescribed medication
  • Visible swelling of the mouth
  • A temporary filling or crown that comes loose

Root canal

Do Root Canals Hurt?

My goal for every root canal is to hear my patient say afterward, “Wow, that wasn’t painful!”. 

Everyone has their own pain tolerance, but I’ve often heard that root canal treatment is similar to getting a filling. My patients often report feeling mild to moderate pressure during root canal treatment but minimal to zero pain. 

If you are stressed or worried about root canal treatment, we take extra steps to ensure you have the support you need during the procedure. We’ll make sure you are well informed of what to expect, numb the area completely so you don’t feel any pain, and 

reassure you throughout the procedure. 


Root Canal Treatment – How to Avoid 

The biggest way to prevent the need for a root canal is following a good oral hygiene routine and attending regular general dental checkups. Twice a year dental checkups are crucial for detecting and addressing decay or oral health issues as early as possible. 

Here are tips I recommend to help prevent root canal treatment: 

  • Floss every day 
  • Brush twice a day with a fluoride toothpaste
  • Use gentle, circular motions when brushing and choose a soft-bristled toothbrush
  • Consume a balanced diet full of healthy foods
  • Limit your intake of sugary drinks and processed foods
  • Wear a custom mouthguard to prevent teeth from cracks, chips, or trauma during contact sports
  • See your dentist for general dental checkups 

Do You Have an Infected Tooth? Let Our Caring Team Help Save It!

Don’t let the fear of pain stop you from getting the treatment you need for an infected tooth! 

Our dedicated team at Chelmsford Dental is here to support you through every step of the root canal treatment process. We aim to make the procedure as painless as possible to get you back to enjoying your healthy smile again. 

If you are experiencing signs of an infected tooth and are wondering if you need a root canal, please do not hesitate to contact us. We are happy to discuss your questions and book an appointment with one of our friendly, experienced dentists.